Silence - What does it mean for you?
Aug 22, 2024
Last weekend I spent 4 days on a silent retreat in a Buddhist Centre in the mid-west of Ireland.
When thinking about sitting in silence many people comment to me about their fear in doing so. Fear of the thoughts that would whir away in their mind, fear of the need to fill the void with talk, fear of what would come up for them.
Yet in finding silence we will inevitably find ourselves. Living in what the Buddhist’s call ‘noble silence’ is an art in itself, one that requires discipline, focus and practice.
Five years ago, I attended my first silent retreat, struggling to embrace the quiet. This time, the experience was different—joyful, connected, and free from judgment. I realised that the fear of silence is often the fear of knowing oneself and accepting others.
Silence teaches us to let go of judgment, avoidance, and doubt. It is a mindful way of living, embodied in our daily actions.
Simon and Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence" highlights the darkness of silence “People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening”. The shadow of silence is the noise that overwhelms us - whether through external stimuli, internal demons, and often in the unspoken words that have gotten stuck over the years.
But silence, I now know, is a refuge from the noise of life. Yet embodying that noble silence in my daily life is something I strive now to maintain.
One of the first tenets of coaching is ‘active listening’ yet we often forget the importance of silence - to allow for reflection, allow us to gather our thoughts, and ultimately to become clear in who we are.
We cannot gain order if we have chaos in our mind.
Silence is also within the energy we embody and the energy we emanate. We may be silent but are we seething with anger? Are we silent but upset? Are we silent but still have lots of words stuck to get out in expressing our opinion? Do we avoid silence for fear of what others will say?
In my work with Living Legacy, I help people find order, which often requires facing the silence they fear. Silence allows for reflection, clarity, and peace, which are crucial for living a well-lived life. This retreat reminded me of the importance of incorporating silence into my practice to help others find peace.
As you reflect on your life, I invite you to consider how silence plays a role. Does it bring you rest? Can you find peace in silence, alone or with others? What steps can you take to achieve peace of mind?
At Living Legacy, we’re here to help you on this journey to peace. We invite you to consider how noble silence can help enhance the journey.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
Jen x
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